Below is a List of Some Supports and Resources for Survivors
This is a good place to start when you don't know how to manage the overwhelm, what to do with your confusing feelings, or how to sort out all of your additional responsibilities.
Encouraging quotes every widow needs to read.
The Veteran Spouse Resiliency Group (V-SRG) Program provides support groups for Veteran spouses/partners. It is a safe space for peers to come together, share their stories, lean on one another for support and guidance, and form lasting bonds they can rely on well after the group ends.
From bereavement camps to support groups - Empower - offers resources to help everyone who has experienced the loss of someone close to them.
Federal Benefits for Veterans, Dependents, and Survivors PDF Guide.
A Planning Your Legacy VA Survivors and Burial Benefits PDF Guide.​​
MOAA offers a
Survivor's Checklist for for spouses/family members.
Military OneSource offers a Survivor's Journey Checklist for Active-Duty Service Member Deaths.
Apply for VA Survivor Benefits
This is a checklist to help Veteran spouses and dependent apply for survivor benefits.